Closet Tour - Closet Organization Hacks Apr 12, 2024


Here's the rule: Outer order equals inner peace. Lately, I've been tackling different rooms in my house. I've found that by organizing the space around me, my mind feels ordered too. Keeping my environment tidy means more time and energy for my passions.
Today I'm focusing on the apple of my ey...

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What To Do When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed Apr 12, 2024


Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation

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Hotel 1 - Brooklyn - Luxury Hotel Apr 12, 2024


Here in New York, we are having the time of our lives! Now in Brooklyn, we're ready to leave AirBnB behind, for 1 Brooklyn, luxury hotel. As I'm sure you know, I'm a total sucker for natural decor, and right away, 1 Brooklyn satisfied that need with enormous plant fixtures in every direction. ...

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Vacation in the Hamptons - Amagansett Apr 12, 2024


Vain & Vine is on its way to New York City! Today I'm flying in to meet my partners, Noah, Krista and Leanne. First stop? The Hamptons! Flight preparations included: weed cookie and coffee, two ingredients for a great trip. Between the rosé, the beaches, and the wicked sunburns, I'd do it all ...

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Why Difficult Things Make You Feel Accomplished l Soul Renovation Apr 12, 2024


In today's video we talk about why difficult things make you feel accomplished. Many people often take the easy way out of, well, everything. They take short cuts in life and often times they end up living a life that is less than fulfilling. A new idea – probably the best idea – is to do the ...

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My Secret Addiction... Apr 12, 2024


Today Mina, Annie and I took on Vancouver's annual book sale! This has always been on of my absolute favourites, because before being a #bossbabe comes being a #bookworm! Yes, I'm a book nut, but there's no surprise there. I'm constantly hungry for knowledge and growth! This event is a perfect...

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Thyroid Issues - How To Grow Your Hair Back - Vlog Style Apr 12, 2024


Long blonde hair has always been a staple for me. As I'm growing up and embracing progress and change, it's one thing I refuse to let go of, no matter how challenging it has become. After my thyroid failure in 2014, I experienced excessive hair loss and thinning, which, to this day, has had an...

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Why Fasting Makes You Look Younger Apr 12, 2024


There are so many reasons to fast, but I do it to clean myself out. After a stuffed holiday season, my system has been exhausted by fatty foods and needs a break. With your body spending most of its energy digesting, it's healthy to give it a rare chance to focus on cell turnover and anti-agin...

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Formulating a Cannabis Product CBD Apr 12, 2024


To be a boss babe is to decide what you want in life and what you deserve and to go out and get it.

After I decided to choose my path, it wasn't hard to discover that I wanted to work with my passions. People, homes, wellness, and self-growth. I see it in each of my platforms: Real Estate, So...

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There's Nothing You Can't Learn To Do Apr 12, 2024


There is nothing you can't learn to do! Organizing my intimidatingly crowded basement was a daunting task, to say the least. But with a Saturday free and clear, and my handy accomplice, Sandra, I came ready to face the challenge! Within one action-packed day, we had not only reformed my previo...

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Door Knocking Challenge - How to Door Knock as a Realtor Apr 12, 2024


Practice, practice, practice! No matter how hard something may seem. The more you do it, the better you will get at it. Find what best works for you and give it all you have every day. Here at The Arm Group goal setting is a must. This month we're getting down to business with door-knocking, w...

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How I got a FREE Louis Vuitton Bag Apr 12, 2024


Admit it: there are a number of schools of thought that go into adopting your purse. The quality of the build, the material, the design, the size, the ethics of the brand, I could go on. When it comes to Louis Vuitton, you pay a fair mint, but you get what you pay for. I was already delighted ...

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We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the ‘dream.’ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


Why Play

The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


Digital Soul

In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.