I always heard people say, you’ll know what your calling is when you know. 🎨
I get it finally. To put it into words - an inspiration of a creation that simply will not let you rest. An inspiration that begs to be expressed. An inspiration that if surrendered to will literally express itself through y...
We hold ALL the POWER 🪄 ⭐️We can change the second we decide to change.
My favourite compliment to give. ❤️ You know those people - you meet them and instantly you feel it. They are full of life force and energy. They literally radiate high vibrations⚡️
There are unlimited levels when we are brave enough to reach for them. 🎯⚡️
Yahoo Finance 🎉
It's been a HUGE year for our real estate company @thearmgroup - For the first time our entire team qualified for Medallion Club - making us Top 10% of all Realtors in Greater Vancouver, we ranked 🏅 #1 in our office over and over again and have surpassed all of our goals 🎯and previous...
WILL it to happen. 🎯
Want it so bad that The Universe has no option but to bring it to you.
If we get what we think, begin thinking day and night about the things you want in life.
Vision Board Set Up - Basics!
Along the top: RESPECT
R - Relationships and Romance
E - Eating Healthy and Exercise
S - Spirituality and Self Expression
P - Purpose and Passion
E - Education and Experience
C - Career and Companies
T - Travel and Things
Align images vertically under the section they belong. 🤍🎯...
2021 Summer Plans -
Want to hang out? NO 🛑
Want to go boating? NO 🛑
Want to have drinks? NO 🛑
Want to sit on a patio? NO 🛑
I’m officially permanently busy. It’s time to double down on my future! 🎯
I’m up to 7 streams of income, and I intend to be a New York Times Best Seller next! 🔥
Sacrifice what you want...
The energy that lives within us is more powerful than most of us recognize. You could move mountains if that was your will. 🎯 Never doubt yourself.
Call me a dreamer but one day I will live in a home covered in 🌿 like this. This picture is going right on the Vision Board! Had the best long weekend rollerblading, writing and crushing home projects. Oil Tank Plan 🎯✔️Septic Field ✔️ Disconnect plumbing 🎯✔️ 🤣 Life in the forest 🌲 IGTV video to come...
My vision board says, ‘ Magic, Please!’
Lately, I am getting signs left, right, and centre!
When prayer becomes your habit, miracles become your lifestyle. 🌲 🦌
We are all destined for great things in life. 🚨 The problem is we have become distracted and preoccupied.
👉🏻More concerned with the pleasures of today and less about the abundance of tomorrow.
☘️Luckily, we get the chance to choose again every single day. Today could be the day that your future become...

We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the ‘dream.’ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.
So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.
Why Play
The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.

Digital Soul
In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.