Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul birthing a new life manifestation techniques universe and goal alignment Apr 06, 2024

The trick of time! Nothing exists except the moment you are in - the rest is all an illusion. When you think of the past you are simply bringing it back to life into the future - it is already gone. AND if you REALLY think about this - if you are able to bring the past into the present moment - does...

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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul behind the scenes life transition phases manifesting desires Apr 06, 2024

You don’t lack anything. When you get in alignment with your souls purpose - everything you need will show up. Everything! Have faith and do your part.

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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul manifesting desires mourning old life vision boards creation Apr 06, 2024

I never knew I would become this OBSESSED.
Every word matters!
If there is one core belief I have in life it is that every word counts. The words we speak create our reality. This is a reminder to myself to mind my words. For words carry energy, and if you speak negatively or ill of others or situatio

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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul life transition phases life-changing moments setting intentions Apr 06, 2024

Affirmation Guides
Affirmations are an important step in manifestation. They’re about writing down what you want in your life.
You see, you are a creator in your life. Everything that you desire, you can get. So start writing affirmations to tell the universe how to fill up your life. It is completel

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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul goal accomplishment strategies mourning old life universe and goal alignment Apr 06, 2024

I was hunting for this book because, as you know,one of the greatest cons ever in sicence MAY BE the Atomic Structure Model.
Einstein and Tesla both believed this and that there was a substance between the electrons and hiding in plain sight. They believed that this 'source; was a a scalar wave not m

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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul manifesting desires personal transformation journey setting intentions Apr 06, 2024

Let’s go back to school together.

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Wall Guide:


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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul chasing life goals life-changing moments preparing for the impossible Apr 06, 2024

No one ever taught me how to make a proper business plan..
Good thing you don't need one in order to be successful in life.
SCHOOL OF SOUL - Link in Bio - Let me teach you how to pass the levels of life with nothing more than a Vision Board and one foot in front of the other.
All you

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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul embracing discomfort setting intentions universe and goal alignment Apr 06, 2024

Trust me I get it more than anyone; being an entrepreneur can be challenging! Not only are we in charge of our business's health but our business's health ultimately is in direct correlation with our health. When we feel good we look good and when we look good we get good results. Health is wealth a...

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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul life transition phases preparing for the impossible setting intentions Apr 06, 2024

Growing too fast: slowly dominating the board as a strategy consideration - As boards get bigger though, moves can be more fatal, and you can find yourself up for a real challenge. It’s all about balancing your expansion and growth so that you best leverage your resources and access to resources (re...

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Soul-Renovation---School-Of-Soul life transition phases manifestation techniques preparing for the impossible Apr 06, 2024

The magic is in the becoming. It is who your goals make you into that is the true reward. ​​​​​​​​

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Soul-Renovation-School-Of-Soul life transition phases manifesting desires universe and goal alignment Apr 06, 2024

Have you outgrown your current game? 🧐 Me too.
Life got boring. Not in the ‘I’m bored on Saturday night’ kinda feeling. More like the ‘ what’s the point of all this?’ Round and round with the same types of people, all stuck on the same levels with the same mindsets. I imagine this is what the word me

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Soul Renovation - School Of Soul life-changing moments mourning old life preparing for the impossible Apr 06, 2024

Society will be having you focused on all the wrong things. Get your characters health under control and you win your game. Period.

If you like this content and would like more inspiration in your life:

FOLLOW @Soulrenovation on Instagram
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We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the ‘dream.’ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


Why Play

The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


Digital Soul

In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.