How I got a FREE Louis Vuitton Bag

Apr 12, 2024


Admit it: there are a number of schools of thought that go into adopting your purse. The quality of the build, the material, the design, the size, the ethics of the brand, I could go on. When it comes to Louis Vuitton, you pay a fair mint, but you get what you pay for. I was already delighted with my purchase back in 2013 with my adorable black purse, but guys I cannot express how thrilled I was when they called a few mornings ago! A representative let me know that my little old bag was made with a certain material that was not up to their standard. They made arrangements, and I got a brand NEW LV purse! Talk about customer service! Six years old, and this bag (and its successor) are serving me well. Money well spent! Another investment I made after my Louis-venture, my Dior boots! Luxury, yes; adorable, yes; practical...also yes! Feeling cute and weather-protected is a necessity for these long hours spent door-knocking. Making these kinds of investments have such a positive effect on my mood - and by extension, my work - that I don't doubt their place in my inventory. Besides, it's important to treat yourself! What do you look for in a purse?

Follow me on Instagram! @SoulRenovation



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