Tips For Packing Apr 11, 2024


Tips For Packing

Rolling Rack -
My Black Velvet Hangers -

I will literally walk around my house until I find the good lighting before starting my videos.. lol
I'm packing again! I'm actually off again tomorrow until Tuesday. I'm not going to tell...

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Should i delete my facebook page Apr 11, 2024


Should I delete my Facebook page?
Tips for Agents this week! Why did we delete our Facebook page? And why should you delete your Facebook page book is a dying platform Instagram and YouTube are dominating in the world of social media today. Most likely when a new client or prospective client is...

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Hiking Garibaldi Provincial Park In The Dark Apr 11, 2024


Hiking Garibaldi Provincial Park In The Dark

"So it is 6:30 6:30, and it's about to get pitch black out and we just got to the top of Garibaldi. Which means we have to go back down eight kilometers. It's pitch-black, Brandon's got 6% left on his phone and I have 22. "

I've had finer moments....

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How To Create Mindful Passwords Apr 11, 2024


Tips for Real Estate Agents - but really for anyone!

Passwords -
I've got some great tips on how to create your password. We re-type our passwords hundreds of times a day. And if receptive action of saying something over and over again helps it to manifest quicker, it would only make sense to ...

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Wonton Pickup - Micro Pekingese​ Apr 11, 2024


Wonton Pickup
Today is a HUGE DAY. Yes, extra huge! Today I am picking up Wonton my new baby. Wonton is a micro black Pekingese and I have been waiting so patiently for today and you guys know that I am not patient.
I just got dressed. I'm going to go meet Mina and then we're gonna drive to Seat...

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What Does It Take To Be A Realtor? Apr 11, 2024


Get Ready to Work
Hi guys, so it is 7:30. I am still in the office. I started my day at 5 a.m. Today and I'm probably going to be here till about 10:30 or 11:00 tonight. And that is a typical day for an agent a lot of days. It's not every day, but it's often a lot of people have a misconception...

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WorkFlows​ + Time Blocking Apr 11, 2024

WorkFlows + Time Blocking I've been getting a consistent question of how I do so much and how I organize my time to fit in so many things. I used to be like a binge doer. So like if I had all these projects I want to do I would do like two or three days straight of one project and then I wouldn't to...

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Are Infra Red Saunas Pet-Friendly​? Apr 11, 2024


Cat in the sauna - Do you know how to help your animals detox?? Let's talk about!

Infra-Red Sauna -

Last year when I got really into an Essential Oils. I learned that my cat can't actually detox them from his body the same that I can and that's because his liver doesn...

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Basics of Follow Up Apr 11, 2024


Basics of Follow Up

Hey guys, let's keep it real. It is 10:57 and I was at the office all night doing client gifts. It was fantastic. Now, I'm at home and I'm on my cold calling system and I am irritated like irritated.
There are new leads on this system that haven't been touched that are sitt...

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Be Tulum - Tulum Mexico Apr 11, 2024


Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation

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Azulik Hotel - Tulum Mexico Apr 11, 2024


Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation

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Tulum - Hip Hotel Apr 11, 2024


Tulum - Hip Hotel

Link -

We just arrived in Tulum! We are here to shoot content! A lot of content. I want to give you guys a tour of my room before it becomes an absolute disaster.
We are staying at the Hip Hotel here in Tulum. And here we go! Here's the room.


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We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the ‘dream.’ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


Why Play

The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


Digital Soul

In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.