Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

As the course says:
‘Those that are certain can wait without anxiety.’ #ACIM

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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

Questions to ask yourself:

How far can I get in the game of life?

What would happen if i REALLY GAVE IT MY BEST SHOT?

How far could I get?

If I put all my energy into it, what kind of a masterpiece could I be by the end?

That's the game.

Material objects are just not really ranked that high anymore.


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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

Soul Renovation - School of SoulIf you knew you could do or have anything you wanted?

What would you create?

Close your eyes and think about it.

Really, think about it.

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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

Rules of life simplified. Working on your to-do list? After making your list, go through each item on the list and ask yourself: Can I eliminate this? Can I automate this? Can I delegate this?

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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

"Your game is not to worry about someone else. Your game is energy management for yourself."

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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

Minding your business speeds up manifesting. Do you agree?

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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

For me, reading the Course of Miracles was what first kind of gave me that glimpse of what else is possible and how to change. It literally breaks down how you see the world and shows you that you're the creator of everything and a lot of the times there's errors in your thinking around the power yo...

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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

As the course says:
‘Those that are certain can wait without anxiety.’ #ACIM

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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

The million-dollar question - Is that energy cord worth it?
Think before you plug 🔌 in ;)

Swipe for examples of cording.

Can you cut cords?


If you have never done it, try it.


Simple head over to Youtube and type in ' Energy Cord Cutting.' There are tons of great guided meditations available for f...

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Soul Renovation - School of Soul "spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

I have a different section of my house dedicated to each project or each company I work on, and that way when I'm in that space that's all I'm doing.

Dedicating different areas of my home to each of my projects has been my most efficient way to streamline my focus while at home. And it makes it very ...

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We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the ‘dream.’ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


Why Play

The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


Digital Soul

In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.