There's Nothing You Can't Learn To Do
Apr 12, 2024
There is nothing you can't learn to do! Organizing my intimidatingly crowded basement was a daunting task, to say the least. But with a Saturday free and clear, and my handy accomplice, Sandra, I came ready to face the challenge! Within one action-packed day, we had not only reformed my previously cluttered basement but even managed to move all my chopped lumber inside for the fierce North - Vancouverite winter. It feels good to take action! Planning will help, surely, but what will make all the difference is when you pick that first log up and make that progress. In order to get it done, you've gotta start; so that's how we began, and before we knew it the mess had disappeared! So get on your goals and move that log! If we can do it, you can too!
What's your "log pile"?
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