Life Is A Game - Write With Me - Processing Route 91
Apr 12, 2024
Hi āØ My name is Ashley AKA Soul Renovation!
I teach you how to hit your Health + Wealth šµ GOALS! I make videos about how to get what you want in life and how to stay on the path!
Join me as i share intimate moments behind me taking on my largest goal and project ever - School of Soul.
Why Gamification?
Gamification is taking your goals and turning them into a plan then making it fun to cross them off.
BUT really why we do it - is to trick our minds. You will learn to trick your mind into helping it help you do what you DECIDED was best for you. Through gamification tactics you will learn to gamify your goals and targets thus creating a plan, with measurable action steps that result in progress and inspired action. This plan, this action you're about to take - it's going to resolve most of your anxiety in life.
Anxiety occurs in the mind when it becomes to worry and think of ‘all that could happen.’ Once you get a plan in order and show your mind that you are making progress - your mind will start making progress for you - inspired action will be the result once the space for gace has been created - how are you going to create space for grace and have inspired action enter? By releasing anxiety - how are you going to release anxiety? By deciding what you want for your life - making a plan - and putting on foot in front of the other - see the mind hates not knowing where it is going - and although we can not always know - you will learn to control what you can control in the game in order to make everything easier on your character as your journey through life - and the result will be a plan and an environment for success and inspired action.
You will be at ease by having a plan and knowing that life is not random or chaotic - that it is actually built of patterns and operates in your benefit - you simply need to set your rules and begin putting one foot in front of the other.
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Soul Renovation
Instagram: @Soulrenovation
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Vain & Vine
Instagram: @Vainandvine
Miracle Morning Checklist:
Vitamin Reference List: 30 Day
Habit Tracker: —————————————————————————————————
Neon Dry Erase Pens -
Giant Post It White Sticker Wall -
Neon Dry Erase Pens -
Vision Board Map:
Neon LED Lights:
Push Pins:
Photo Printer:
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