YOLO_ Sacrifice For What You Want, Or, What You Want Becomes The Sacrifice

Jul 30, 2024

“Sacrifice for what you want or what you want becomes the sacrifice:”

Let me start by saying yo-low - Its fucking you. 

This is by far the greatest trap I see. It mostly affects the younger generations as the propaganda surrounding it is pushed in the majority to this age group.

Why do I call it a trap? 

Let’s loop back to how we live in a system and we are not necessarily always being guided for our best possible outcome.

There are concepts and idealisms that have been sold to us as a society, they get created and advertised over and over again and shoved in our faces until they are what we think.

yo-low is this.

This ‘lifestyle’ has been wrapped up as an enticing path that promises fun today, experiences around the world, seemingly never working.. You can picture it - You've seen the ads, the youtube videos.

The bubble will bust.

The future will come, and you want to be prepared.

Living for today and ignoring planning for the future is a fatal error in the game. The worst part - the error is not apparent for decades to come. The ripple effect of this choice of lifestyle will not be apparent until suddenly you plateau in life and realize you do not have the skill sets or resources to jump anymore levels… maybe even having to start climbing down the ladder?

Let’s touch on retirement.

Such a heavy subject.

But just like time, we must connect to the fact that this is coming in order to stay connected to our purpose once we craft our new vision.

The best plans in life always start with the end before beginning to start.

Again, most people are not connected to the reality of retirement actually being here one day - one day sooner than expected.

This is because no one likes to envision themselves getting old!

It is only natural to avoid thinking this!

I mean have you ever closed your eyes and imagined what you will look like at 95?

Personally I do not find this fun.

*mini exercise if you choose.

Our life spans are actually expanding.

How crazy is that! 

Advances in life expectancy have quantum leaped. 

Scientists and investors - yes investors - are working around the world and around the clock to unlock the secrets to longevity. 

Age related illnesses is a trillion dollar market - the hunt is on and they will find the secrets.  This is a wealth fueled hunt and they will find the secrets they are looking for. We see signs of this already everywhere - stem cells - and AI in humans - if you want to learn more about AI in humans - checkout Elon Musk's company Neurolink - printing data on human brains - pretty cool stuff. Yes, we are here already, the future is not so futurist anymore, what we all grew up thinking of the future has arrived. 

They will hack our systems to live well into the hundreds. 

Soon. sooner than we realize.

It is likely, there is a great chance that you will live to be 100!

What is the opposite to the yo-low lifestyle?

Invest today to live in luxury tomorrow.

Life will not be handed to us on a silver platter - none of our dreams will come true if we don't do our part - and if we do our part we can manifest and see everything we ever desire. 

yo-low is one of the most dangerous concepts of modern society - a way of thinking and acting like tomorrow may not come - let's get real - tomorrow is going to come. I want to make sure you are prepared ahead of time and dont get knocked out by this ‘distraction.’

Many of us are going to see much longer lives than our parents and grandparents. 

That is a reality and we need to connect to it.


TIME!!! - We are getting more gifted. 

But is it really a gift?

It's a gift if you have used your previous time well - prepared financially - prepared health of your character appropriately.

And if not?

It’s going to be the worst years of your life.

Really think about it, when you're older, imagine yourself at 90 or 120… 

Do you want to downgrade your comfort level, your access to choices, options and freedoms?

Let me tell you that one of the saddest, and I mean saddest parts about selling homes as a Realtor was always watching someone HAVE TO sell their home to access cash in their senior years. Heartbreaking,

I have watched many, many seniors cry at the thought of losing where they are most comfortable because everything around them has already changed so much. 

Let that thought sit with you.

Now we need to do some quick math one more time to really concrete this lesson


To know if you will have enough options, choices and freedom?

Take the number of years you estimate you have left and times that by how much you think you will need to live off of financially for that amount of years.

If you plan to retire at 50, yet you are going to live to be 100.

That means you need to have planned well enough to sustain your life for 50 non-income earning years……

This day is coming for all of us.

AND you want to be prepared.

To be prepared there will be work that needs to be done, but now that you are connected to the timeline you have - it will be easier to start making better choices around the use of your time.  Time is a resource and we control its allocation.

Sacrifice for what you want or what you want becomes the sacrifice.




We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


Why Play

The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


Digital Soul

In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.

