WorkFlows​ + Time Blocking

Apr 11, 2024

WorkFlows + Time Blocking I've been getting a consistent question of how I do so much and how I organize my time to fit in so many things. I used to be like a binge doer. So like if I had all these projects I want to do I would do like two or three days straight of one project and then I wouldn't touch it again for like a month and I would do this every day for different projects. this was unmanageable and I wasn't able to keep up all the projects I wanted to do. I designed a system where on my monthly calendar I have blocks of time for each project and when the block starts I do it and when the block ends I stopped doing it. If I stick to my schedule and I consistently do each project a little bit each week - Then I am able to maintain all my projects on a monthly basis. Take it one step further whenever I'm working on any project I have a workflow. workflows are instrumental in being able to do a lot and to also make the most of your time while you're working on that project. For example, when I do unboxings for my blog my workflow is the product arrives, I make a story I then put it in my bin and then when my photographer comes every other Monday, we take a photo and then I start using the product once I've used enough for half or the full product the whole product then I will write a review and make a permanent post. By having a workflow allows me to incorporate this portion of working on my blog into my morning schedule without taking too much time. That was an example of a physical workflow - let’s talk about a digital workflow. say for my real estate company I keep a board on a saint of everything I have to do my job how to create a flyer, how to write an offer, how to do comps. Every time hat block of time comes up All I have to do is click on the top say we're going to do a new listing. I have to click on a ​new listing and every single step is there. There's not a single step missing here. It takes no brain power to do a new listing. taking the time to create your digital workflow or your physical workflows will take a little investment of time at first but it's going to save you so much time in the long run. You'll be able to take on way more projects and do way more with your life. Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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