Wonton Pickup - Micro Pekingese​

Apr 11, 2024


Wonton Pickup
Today is a HUGE DAY. Yes, extra huge! Today I am picking up Wonton my new baby. Wonton is a micro black Pekingese and I have been waiting so patiently for today and you guys know that I am not patient.
I just got dressed. I'm going to go meet Mina and then we're gonna drive to Seattle and grab her but more importantly, it's one more thing to come off the dream board.
Under relationship some Romance of the respect model, you know, I have one single quote and two puppies. for any new followers who were wondering how the dream board works, I use this model called respect along the top. So if you break down the word respect you have ‘Relationships + Romance’, ‘Eating Healthy + Exercise’, “Spirituality + Self-expression,” “ Purpose + Passion,” " Education
+ Experiences,” “Career + Contribution,” and “Time, Travel + Things.” There's not a single thing you could possibly want for you or your life that doesn't fit into one of these categories.
Make sure you don't miss any Categories of your life. sometimes when we sit down to think about what we want, we kinda start thinking about, you know, material related things wealth related things, sometimes diet or weight can get in there. But you know, we might forget about how we're going to Foster our self-expression.

If you make a Dream Board with the Respect Model remember to tag me or shoot me an email with yours!

Map For Dream Board - https://amzn.to/2l7R7Zs
Clear Pins for Dream Board - https://amzn.to/2lg2DCd
Louis​ Vuitton DOG CARRIER 40 - https://ca.louisvuitton.com/eng-ca/pr...


Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation


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