Winners Focus On Themselves l Soul Renovation

Apr 11, 2024


In today's video we explore how winners focus on themselves.

After receiving a DM on not spelling duplicate correctly here is how I react by winners focusing on thesmeleves. When it comes to spelling I hire professionals at work to edit my important material. I don't need to know how to spell, myself for who I am. I've come to grips in life with my strengths and weaknesess.I don't waste time on trying to strengthen my weaknesses. I spend my time mastering what I am good at and realizing that I can hire people to assist me with what I am not good at. None of us are perfect and there is only so much time in life to learn everything, own who you are, it is our​ imperfections that make us unique.

Winners focus on themselves - losers focus on others.
Winners focus on solutions - losers focus on problems.
Winners take responsibility - losers blame others.

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