Why I Won't Do Anything That Doesn't Bring Me Joy

Apr 11, 2024


Goals for improving my work

Morning guys, so I've just got a little mushroom coffee by Four Sigmatic going with some collagen coconut creamer by Vital Protein s. I'm still off coffee! I'm going on almost a month here and I feel fantastic. I can't tell you how rested I feel in the morning and my energy is so consistent throughout the day. I don't experience any energy crashes anymore. Honestly try 30 days. And if you don't like it go back to coffee.
I'm just working a little goal-setting over here - I am re-making my dream board for work today so last night I dd a little prep. Last night before I went to bed I made a list of some questions to kind of dream about before I made my board in real estate. There are so many activities that are profit-producing, However, not all of them bring me joy and in the past years I would try to do certain ones because I thought I should or because I knew they worked but they weren't for me. So this year I switched my approach. I only do lead generation that brings me joy now. So what would that be? That would be door knocking and cold calling. ONLY those two.
I don't like BNI groups. I don't like going to Toastmasters. I kind of eliminated things that weren't serving me because if you don't enjoy doing them, you're just going to avoid them procrastinate doing the tasks.
This is the same as my motto around exercise. I don't want to be forcing myself to do anything that I'm not enjoying while I'm doing it which is why I don't run, running is not enjoyable for me. But yoga is and so this way I never ever avoid my exercise or my it's basically my guiding principle for everything in life. Now, if I don't enjoy it I'm not doing it. If it doesn't bring me happiness its not happening.
That doesn't mean you get to do nothing that just means you have to be more creative and come up with other Solutions and other resolutions and activities that do bring you Joy and will accomplish the same result.

Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation


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We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the ā€˜dream.ā€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


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