Why Aren't We Talking About Our Big Goals?

"discount code soul11 motivational instagram soul renovation Apr 12, 2024

Why is it so weird to hear somebody talk about a big goal? Why does it feel so uncomfortable? When was the last time you actually heard somebody speak like I do every day about goals?

Honestly guys, everybody has a purpose here and you will never feel fully fulfilled and fully accomplished until you reach your purpose. That is basically what we come here to do. In our soul’s contract, we are meant to build ourselves. We're meant to evolve. We're meant to become. And we are meant to achieve something. Everybody has something they're here to achieve. And honestly all you’ve got to do is start tapping into it…

So all you’ve got to do is start talking about what you want. Start thinking about what you want! Start putting pictures of it in front of you.

In life, caring about what other people think in life should not be holding you back from looking crazy or going for what you want in life. That makes absolutely zero sense in such a limited time game. Seriously guys. So you’ve got to start figuring out what you want and then going for it proudly. It's super important. The time is ticking by and I feel so many people are sitting on the sidelines because of the fear of other people.

Main transcription:

You know, I was wondering how many people probably think I've lost my mind talking about this jet all the time on here. And I want to jump on here because, why is it so weird to hear somebody talk about a big goal? Have you thought about that? Why does it feel so uncomfortable? When was the last time you actually heard somebody speak like I do every day, where they're prophesizing bringing in what they want in their life? How do you hear that around you?

Okay, well, why not?

When we're kids, we're told we can do anything we want. Everyone's always asking. We're loud and proud... and then we get older and we're never getting what we want. And we don't know why. But we're never ever talking about what we want. We're never talking about our big dream.

This is how it works, guys. You are an energetic match for everything you send out. It comes right back to you. Every word you speak. Every thought you have. Every action you do. All of it. There is somebody keeping count. There is something keeping count. And it all returns to you. So all you’ve got to do is start talking about what you want. Start thinking about what you want! Start putting pictures of it in front of you. Eventually what will actually end up happening is your mind will start training your brain and start doing it automatically for you. And all these different parts of your brain start to work for you. Your RAS and your mirror neurons and your body and your brain will start pulling you towards your goals. You won't even have to force. Everyone just needs to stop caring about what everybody else thinks. In life, caring about what other people think in life should not be holding you back from looking crazy or going for what you want in life. That makes absolutely zero sense in such a limited time game. Seriously guys. So you’ve got to start figuring out what you want and then going for it proudly. It's super important. The time is ticking by and I feel so many people are sitting on the sidelines because of the fear of other people. I get these messages all the time in my DMs and it just it breaks. It always cuts me off.

Honestly guys, everybody has a purpose here and you will never feel fully fulfilled and fully accomplished until you reach your purpose. That is basically what we come here to do. In our soul’s contract, we are meant to build ourselves. We're meant to evolve. We're meant to become. And we are meant to achieve something. Everybody has something they're here to achieve. That is your divine design. And honestly all you’ve got to do is start tapping into the things you're naturally good at. And start not caring about what other people think. And just do whatever it is that you feel called to do. Start following. My thoughts for tonight.



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