What Is Kambo? The experience, and the benefits

Apr 11, 2024


My experience with Kambo - The Amazonian Ancient Medicine.

As many of you know I am a huge supporter of the cannabis movement. But furthermore I have always been a huge fan of drugs/ancient medicine, especially drugs that help to alter our states of consciousness with the intent of boosting creativity or expanding our understanding of the world. I have never been fearful and I have tried my fair share. I enjoy getting out of my head and viewing my life from a new fresh perspective. Some of my most brilliant moments, best business ideas, and quantum leaps of personal growth have come from moments where I was under the influence. Say what you will, and everyone is entitled to their opinion but I am personally a believer that there is much much more to the world than what we see and I believe there are ways to unlock and tap into the greater knowledge that exists in the other realms.

It has been 1 week since I sat in a ceremony with Kambo. What is Kambo? It is a South American practice where the toxin of a Phyllomedusa Bicolor Frog is burned into the human skin for its purgative effects. โ €
That’s right it is a poison from a Frog! It is a traditional ancient medicine used in the Amazon and administrated by a Shaman. It is used to induce a spiritual purging of the emotional/ non-physical body. In life trauma and experiences are stored in the emotional/energetic body. Our physical bodies are just one manifestation of our souls here on earth. If you would like to learn more about how emotions can cause physical ailments, study or read up on Metaphysics, and Metaphysical ailments.โ €
There is much more to us than the physical eye can see. In life, we don’t always know why parts of our body hurt or we are being held back, or why we are not progressing as fast as or in the direction we desire. Our past experiences and life events shape who we are and how we show up in the world, for better or for worse. Kambo clears the path, promoting a deeper understanding of ourselves and everything around us. It helps us to clear energetic blockages in the emotional body that are holding us back physically in life. It is best described as a REBIRTH. โ €

The ceremony- What to expect? The Shaman will first go over your health history and educate you on what to expect. The experience can last 20 - 40 minutes. It began with the shaman asking what part of my body I would like to administer the poison. I choose my inner ankle. My ankle was then burned with four dots. Next, a test patch was done to make sure there was no adverse reaction. Once it was determined safe for my body, the Shaman then put the poison on all four of my open wounds. โ €

The Experience - The experience began in mere moments. I felt a heat rush over my body, it feels exactly like that Niacin Flush. I began to feel completely out of it yet still present and very much of aware of where I was and who I was with. At no point was I uncomfortable or wishing I had not done it. I tried to purge however my body did not want to let go. The Shaman said whatever I was holding on to was exhausting me. I began to fade in and out, my experience of time began to change as I found myself in old memories. Then I remember saying I was going to lie down, I slowly lowered myself to the ground and that was it. I woke up 4 hours later wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, tired yet invigorated. I slept all day, then I went home and went to the gym.โ €

The After Math - It has been just about 2 weeks since I sat in the ceremony, how do I feel? What, if anything has changed? I feel lighter. I feel aligned with who I am, and who I want to be, My physical actions are lining up with what I want for myself. I seem to be taking steps every day to bring me closer to my goals. I am experiencing pure praxis. Praxis is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realized. I feel like a different person. I feel like all the clutter and thoughts that were floating in my head have sorted themselves into neat categories. Nothing seems overwhelming. And I have begun to take massive action! There are many things I had been planning to do ‘ someday.’ That suddenly I find myself doing today. I had been telling myself forever that tomorrow I will go to the gym, yet never actually doing it. I had been spending so much time planning and organizing but not taking the steps and actions necessary to move my goals forward. On the same day of the ceremony, after hours of sleep, I felt called to get up and go to the gym. And so I went, and I have gone every day since. I cleaned out my crawl space, I wrote emails and had difficult conversations with people I had been avoiding, I packed up another 4 bins of clothes to give away, I threw out photos and let go of things from the home that connected me to past chapters of my life that it was now time to close.โ €
All in all, one of the best-unexpected experiences of my life. โ €

Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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