What Is a Chi Machine? l Soul Renovation

Apr 12, 2024


Let the renovations begin again…

This week's puzzle? Electrical…. Hasn’t been fun. But I have been figuring it day by day.

You know, there are so many things I don't know, and sometimes I simply do not have anyone to guide me or help me. These are the times that are most frustrating but also most rewarding once I do crack the code.

Also this week, I am still going strong with my health routines and staying on track by keeping to my daily checklists (available for download in links below).

The Chi Machine is by far my favourite quick health toy and my infrared sauna is my other favourite.. who am I joking, all my health toys are my favourite but these two I defiantly use the most.

Yes, my animals come in my infrared with me - they love it!
A family that healths together stays together.

Winston is almost 20 - WILD! He’s looking more fabulous than ever.

Hope you guys all have a wonderful and productive week crushing your health goals as well!

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