What Is A Chi Machine

Apr 11, 2024


Chi Machine Update

When people call Vancouver - Raincover - they are not joking! Join me on my morning adventure with Quarry in Deep Cove and then a quick recap of the benefits of using the Chi Machine.

I start every morning with a little stretch and then I jump on the Chi Machine for a shake. I couldn't believe how many people ask me about this machine after I posted it yesterday. I post this machine all the time. This is the Chi Machine.
It is my favourite toy I've ever bought, it is a medical device for health however it feels more like a toy. A Chi Machine basically loosens any energetic blockages you have in your system or in your meridian system key - in Chinese Medicine, this basically means life force or energy force - now in Western Society we call this system our Lymph System. think of the Chi machine as helping your lymph system drain. It has the same effect as if you're to jump on a rebounder, you know smell trampolines. I bought mine on Amazon, there are a bunch for sale but they're not all equal in quality. You could mess your back If you bought a fake one, there are some knockoffs on the market.
So what is it going to do? Its so much fun to use, and Iโ€‹ promise it will put a smile on your face!
It's going to reverse your blood flow. Get some blood up to your head anytime you get blood up to your head, your hair is going to grow just like using an inverter table. It's going to shake up your whole digestive system, which you can imagine is great for weight loss and it's great for circulation. And it's also going to be good for your skin because you can see my Skin's really glowing right now. That's because there's blood pumping into my head. So not only is it going to grow your hair, but it's also going to help get new fresh blood to your skin cells.



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