We Have A Tendency To Think In Terms Of Doing And Not In Terms Of Being. We Think That When We're Not Doing Anything, Were Wasting Our Time. But That's Not True. Our Time Is First Of All For Us To Be. To Be What? To Be Alive, To Be Peaceful, To Be Joyful, To Be Loving. And This Is What The World Needs The Most. We All Need To Train Ourselves In Our Way Of Being And That Is The Ground For All Action. Our Quality Of Being Determines Our Quality Of Doing

divine timing living beyond perfection self-awareness and divine flow Apr 04, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, the emphasis on constant action and productivity often overshadows the profound importance of simply being. We live in a world that glorifies busyness, where the notion of doing is valued more than the art of being. In this blog post, we'll explore the transformative power of embracing stillness, recognizing that our capacity to be is the foundation upon which all meaningful actions unfold.

Rethinking the Notion of Wasted Time:

The prevailing mindset often perceives moments of stillness or apparent inactivity as a waste of time. However, this perspective fails to grasp the richness that resides in those quiet moments. Our time is not solely meant for doing; it is, first and foremost, an opportunity for us to be. To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, and to be loving. These qualities form the essence of our existence, and they are precisely what the world desperately needs.

Training Ourselves in the Art of Being:

Being is not a passive state; it's an active practice that requires conscious effort. In a world that bombards us with stimuli and demands constant engagement, training ourselves in the art of being becomes a radical act of self-care. It involves cultivating mindfulness, embracing the present moment, and finding solace in the stillness within. This training lays the foundation for a life of depth and authenticity.

The Ground for All Action:

Contrary to popular belief, doing does not exist in isolation from being. Instead, our quality of being serves as the fertile ground from which all meaningful actions emerge. The state of our inner being profoundly influences the nature of our external actions. By prioritizing qualities such as presence, peace, joy, and love, we enhance the impact and intentionality of our actions.

Quality of Being Shapes Quality of Doing:

Imagine a world where individuals prioritize the quality of their being. In such a world, actions would be infused with mindfulness, compassion, and a genuine desire for positive change. Our ability to deeply influence the quality of our interactions, the decisions we make, and the mark we leave on the world. By nurturing our inner being, we contribute to a collective shift towards a more conscious and purposeful existence.

In the pursuit of a meaningful and fulfilling life, let us not overlook the profound significance of being. Embrace the stillness, nurture your inner qualities, and recognize that our time is a gift meant for us to be alive, peaceful, joyful, and loving. As we prioritize the art of being, we lay the groundwork for a life of purpose and authenticity, where our actions are not just deeds but reflections of a deeply cultivated and intentional inner state.




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