Vision Board Event at Remedi l Soul Renovation

Apr 12, 2024


In today's video we talk about the importance of visualization through vision boards. Data visualization gives us a clear idea of what the information means by giving it visual context through maps or graphs. This makes the data more natural for the human mind to comprehend and therefore makes it easier to identify trends, patterns, and outliers within large data sets. Visualization is also a huge part of manifesting visualization can be a great tool to get over your manifesting blocks. Visualizations can help you focus on positive things, even if it doesn't quite go in the direction you want it to

Can The Brain Be Tricked With Images?
Science had proven that visualization is the main component of creating our future outcomes. Studies of the brain have revealed that thoughts have the ability to stimulate the same regions and produce the same mental instructions as actions do.

Further research also proves that if you tell your brain in words what you want, it will not react or hold attention as long as if you to show it photos. When the brain is shown imagery, it engages with a deeper interest and attention.

This act assists the brain and storing the imagery as a memory or an already accomplished fact.

Visualization impacts our cognitive practices
Motor Control

In other words, mental imagery increases the motivation of action, confidence in our ability to achieve a goal and positive emotional states that line up with what is wanted.
Consequently, through visualization processes, the brain is literally being trained for performance and achievement. With the Law of Attraction, we can trick the brain by repeatedly viewing vivid mental images of the things we want to manifest, which helps us magnetize those things into our lives.

“Our minds are like computers, they run the programs we instruct them to run. Let’s be sure we are running the programs we want”

Can The Brain Tell The Difference Between 'Reality' And ‘Observation'?
The mind is like a computer. It only understands things in the present tense and it cannot discern what is real and what isn’t. It doesn’t rationalize your emotions. It only knows how to carry out commands.
Science has proven that the brain can not tell the difference between what has happened in our reality vs. what we have imagined having happened.

Focusing on things that are going well in your life will allow you to not only shift your focus but will allow those things in your life to expand. You will attract more of those happy moments and more of the things that feel good.
The secret to having it all is acting like it already exists. Here and now, in the present moment is where it all exists.

Redirecting ourselves to a different future can be as simple as aligning our imagination, intention, attention, and behavior. And because consciousness itself affects the behavior of the physical experiences in our outer world, we have the opportunity for any and all possibilities we believe to be possible.

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