The Vitamin List - Gamification of Health

Apr 12, 2024


I am really tapping into my inner soul these days.

How am I doing this? By isolating myself and working on myself. It’s all health and wealth these days! My creative energies have continued to flow, and my vibration is at an all-time high - now the game is all about keeping it here!

I have never had a problem raising my vibration - it has been keeping it there!

How will I do this?

By tracking my health routines and daily intakes.
Anytime I am able to track my progress in any aspect of life - it helps me stay focused and entertained. This is called gamification - because I believe life is a game - I try to transform all aspects of my life into challenges and levels with rewards.

To make taking my vitamins enjoyable, I created an excel list to track everything I was taking in and a reference sheet to help me memorize and connect to the importance of why I am taking all of these vitamins.

I used to find I would get excited about a vitamin when I ordered it, but as it sat on my shelf, I would forget what that exact one was for and thus lose interest in it. Now, as I take my vitamins throughout the week, I will look over my reference sheet and get excited all over again each time about all the goodness that is about to happen to my body.

My favourite vitamin brands? Top 3?
Thorn -
Vain & Vine - Obs -
Organika -

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