The Royal Posture

Jul 29, 2024


What is self-worth? At its essence, self-worth is the fundamental belief in one's own value. It's not tied to achievements, possessions, or status. It's an inherent overstanding that, by virtue of existence alone, one has worth.

Diving into the etymology, "self" is clear – it’s you. "Worth," derived from Old English "weorþ," pertains to value. Combined, self-worth is the intrinsic value you assign to yourself, irrespective of external evaluations.

Now, why do we often hear the saying "You are the salt of the earth" when referring to authentic individuals? Salt, historically, was a highly valued commodity. It was essential for preserving food and, in some cultures, even used as currency. To say someone is the "salt of the earth" is to affirm their genuine, invaluable nature. It implies purity, essential goodness, and unwavering authenticity.

In a world inundated with facades and filtered realities, appearing as you genuinely are is a testament to strength. It's about being unflinchingly authentic, not swayed by the currents of societal expectations. It demonstrates self-worth in its purest form: recognizing and presenting your authentic self as invaluable, just like the "salt of the earth."

Never Tip Your Head. 

That's How Your Crown Falls Off.

The Royal Posture 

Have you ever observed a monarch during a coronation or a royal event? Despite the weight of the crown, adorned with jewels and precious metals, their posture remains impeccable. This is not mere coincidence; it is a deeply ingrained discipline, a reflection of their stature and the weight of the responsibility they bear.

The weight of a crown, heavy with gems, can be likened to the responsibilities and pressures we shoulder in our daily lives. Each gem could represent a duty, an expectation, or even a past failure. But a royal does not hunch or fold beneath that weight. Instead, they stand tall, not despite it but because of it. The crown does not merely sit atop their head; it is an extension of their spine, a symbol of their unwavering strength and grace.

Royals have been trained in posture from a young age. The 'royal posture' emphasizes a straight back, squared shoulders, and a head held high. This training ensures they can wear their crown with dignity, preventing it from toppling due to poor posture. But more than just physical bearing, this posture symbolizes resilience, integrity, and the inner fortitude to carry burdens with grace.

But what does this mean for you?

Your 'crown' is your self-worth, your authenticity, and your unique contributions to the world. And just like a physical crown, it can be heavy. It carries the weight of being true to oneself, the pressure of standing out, and the responsibility of being genuine in a world that often celebrates conformity.

Recognizing your intrinsic royal nature is the first step. Embracing it requires adopting that 'royal posture,’ both literally and figuratively. Stand tall in the face of adversity, carry your challenges with grace, and wear your authenticity like a crown. Remember, every challenge faced and surmounted adds another jewel to your crown.

In essence, embracing your royal nature is not about superiority but about acknowledging your worth.

Hold your head high. 

Stand tall and firm in who you are. 

You are royal, and it's high time you started wearing your crown with pride.

You are unique, distinct, and irreplaceable.

Yet, how often do we bow our heads in life, conforming and submitting to the voices of society that ask us to be anything but ourselves? 

Would a royal do that? Why do royals have kingdoms? Because they guard and protect them. They know what they have has value, and they don’t let anyone take it from them - they hold it tight and keep it in the family as long as possible.

To keep the crown – the very symbol of our unique identity and essence – from slipping, we must hold our heads high, for it is in the acknowledgment of our rarity that we truly shine.

Never bow down to the ordinary. Never dull your sparkle to match the dimness around you.  Keep your head high. Wear your crown with pride,  and let the world see what it means to be genuinely rare.



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