The Meaning Of 11:11 - Law Of Attraction L Soul Renovation

"discount code soul11 motivational instagram soul renovation Apr 12, 2024


In today's video we discuss the importance of 11:11 Tomorrow is November 11th of 2018. This means 11-11-11 because 2018 actually equals 11 and there are only two numbers in numerology that you do not break down any further and that is 11 and 22. They are the master numbers and numerology.

The number 11 is a very powerful number by itself. In Numerology the number 11 is a master number and represents inspiration, illumination, and spiritual enlightenment.

Number 11, also called master number 11, is one of the few compound numbers in Numerology that retains its own vibrational essence and is not customarily reduced to a single root number.

Master numbers, like number 11 at its highest level of vibrational energy, have special spiritual significance and are indicative of the attainment of extremely high spiritual attainment.

Fun fact. I'm an 11, if you add up my birthday. This means I'm really good manifesting obviously and intuition. 22’s are the Master Builders of life and they are creators of another type… a very small percentage of people that are very equal to twenty-two.

If there's something you won't ask for it tomorrow. In honour of the special day for our 11:11 a.m. Mona and I are going to be at the top of Quarry Rock. We're going to burn a list of things we don't want anymore in our lives and we are going to write on a list of new things we want to bring in. For 11:11 p.m., โ€‹I'm going to be with Mona and we're going to sit out in the Moonlight.

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