The Hard Truth Behind Opening A Real Estate Office

Apr 11, 2024


The Truth Behind Opening A Real Estate Office - Real Struggle

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A Course In Miracles -

First things first, I am getting my eyelashes off.. because well I have a massive eye infection from them! Fun? No!

When I'm talking about learning real-life lessons on my blog these days, I’m talking about real-life lessons.
like do or die, like may mess up my whole game kind of life lessons. this has been a really interesting part of my life. I am learning that opening a commercial space is no joke. I'm officially six months behind, the district refuses to play ball with me and make this an easy process. I wanted to share these struggles with you because I know from the outside it can always look up things are so easy for people and like it's like one single week when they do something big in their life, but when you're going after something like this for the first time ever it is anything but easy. this has been the most challenging thing I've ever done in my life. I am sooooo behind schedule with opening the store, we're six months behind schedule.. We're not open. We should have been open already. We haven't even started construction.
We were so late getting our design in and we were finally able to meet the city after months, they asked for structural changes and then more structural changes. finally, we just updated the drawings again and got an engineer stamp yesterday.
A Course In Miracles says, ask yourself what you treasure, and once you know what you treasure, what matters, everything else can fall away. at this point, I'm ready to let go of everything else, literally.
know that when I make it through this it's going to be so worth it. So I get up every day, I grind harder and harder and I keep hustling. I keep giving up and sacrificing the things that do not matter to me anymore because, at the end of the day, there's nothing I've ever wanted more than to have my own office.
I'm going to have that office or die trying. I haven't been buying anything, like nothing, like not​ even coffee right now. The only thing I can spend money on is that store. that store is bleeding me dry. As my therapist likes to We're doing triage right now.
We're just trying to plug the holes of bleeding. 

Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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