Straighten Your Vision and Have Faith l Soul Renovation l VISION BOARD

Apr 12, 2024


As many of you may know, I was recently in a car accident in my infamous G-wagon. The one I worked so very, very, very hard to manifest. Not only did I get a good scare (AGAIN* ), but my truck also didn't make it. The accident brought up a lot of thoughts of attachment for me and thoughts of WHY am I even doing everything I do? What is my purpose? In order to realign, i must start with my foundation.

Whenever i start to feel disconnected from my reality or off-path, i begin by rebuilding my foundation in life.

What does that look like?

8 hours or more of sleep a night *or more
3 L of water a day *or more
Redo Affirmations
Redo Vision Board

There's nothing that can't be solved by resetting our foundation in life.

This bounce-back took me longer than the rest; I had really begun to feel defeated. Let's be honest; first, it was my health crisis, then my wealth crisis, then the shooting, and now the car accident. I am human, I know sometimes it doesn't look like it, but yes, even i do get discouraged and uninspired at moments. Life can get to us all.

It would be easy to sit back and think all these things happened to me, but that's not the case - they are all feedback from The Universe.

Everything in life is guiding us.

Yes, this one was the hardest to get back up from to date.

I took a few weeks in bed, and then I gave myself a good shake and said to myself, 'Be strong. I know it hurts, but you must get up and keep going.'

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