Space For The Partner And Space For Grace

podcast Apr 11, 2024

Episode Link - Episode 5 By Soul Renovation






Space for the partner and space for grace.

Space for grace is a core theme in the game of life and it is no different when it comes to attracting in your partner.

 If you desire a partner to enter, make sure you have space for them! 

Figuratively and literally.

In the very beginning, embracing that space for grace is more important than focusing on any specific partner or outcome.

I’ve just introduced another word for you. 

And now, especially if you are completely new to talking about manifestation, 

you’re probably wondering, 

what do I mean by space for grace? 

Grace is a word that will come up again and again in this course, so let me first explain it and break it down for you.

What is Grace?

First, forget anything you think you know it means…because I’ll tell you what it means in relation to manifestation and what you’re doing here in this course.

For our purposes, grace is all of the following:
Grace is the message or magic or miracle or any other instant showing up in your life that you might describe as ‘extraordinary.’

Grace is the highest of all good.
Grace is the divine.
Grace is communication from The Universe.
Grace is communication for your soul.

Grace shows up as doors of opportunity. 

It shows up as the right people crossing your path, or overhearing an impactful conversation. 


It shows up as being in the right place at the right time. 

It is all the extraordinary instances that line up to point you in the right direction.

So you always need to have a clear, open channel of receiving communication.


How else will you know what you are meant to do? You WANT to hear these instructions. Trust me. The game of life gets much easier once someone starts spoon feeding you the play by play moves to get you across the board AND end up where you wanted to go.


You need to recognize when messages are coming through for you to help you along toward your goal.

Space for Grace

The thing about grace is that it is communication 

but it's communication not everyone notices 

or acknowledges. 

Quite literally the reason most people struggle 

with direction is that they are not experiencing grace in their every day lives.




because they have not allowed any room for it to enter. 

They haven’t FILLED the space.

Grace, or the messages from The Universe, can be completely blocked if there is no room for it to enter your life 


If there is no room, the messages can not be received.

What is filling up all your space?


There are MANY reasons 


Heres a few of the most common ones.

You might have too many connections.

You might own too many items.

You might eat too much food.
You might talk too much.

You might not have enough alone time.

You might be plugged into too many devices.

Your mind might be over-active 


You might be surrounded by too much noise.

When you create space for grace, messages appear frequently and easily. 


The more space the louder the messages or as i like to call them instructions.

Calling them instructions may come in time for you as well.

See, I have made so much space, and blindly followed the messages ONLY to get everything i ever asked or aspired for. With that i grew a faith - a faith so strong in the messages that i now think of them more percilcy as instructions, BECAUSE I know they lead me where i am going.

So it’s important to clear space for grace to enter 

when you seeking direction from The Universe and working to manifest anything in your life.

You need this guidance communication to show up and lead you towards the path.

The key to hearing and seeing the messages is to be present in the moment. To be present, you need to reduce the distracting energetic ties so that keep you from being present. The ability to become present will get easier the more you do it, and as you learn to make space for grace through releasing patterns that are blocking you.

(This will be a major focus in School of Soul. You’ll learn to cultivate the skill of awareness around this physical and mental clutter in order to unload it.)

Without the space for grace, the bottom line is that the manifestation process is severely blocked – no matter what it is you are trying to manifest! And no one here wants that!

It’s time to learn to normalize this essential communication with The Universe into your everyday life. In School of Soul, we’ll cycle through every aspect of your life to clear out all that is not serving you and interfering with your ability to create space we can for grace. The more you unload, the more space for grace and the more divine guidance you can welcome into your life.

To get back to speaking specifically about relationships, think of space for your partner and space for grace this way…

If your mind is full to the brim with work and your closets are overflowing, where will this human fit in? It sounds silly, I know.  AND it makes perfect sense.

Logically, if you want to be in a partnership there must be room for them.  

Or think about it in terms of literal space.

If you sleep in the middle of the bed, start sleeping on one side.

Make room in your closets.

If there’s no room in your bathroom drawer for any more stuff, you have no room for a partner’s things. Clear space. Make room. 

It can be wild how when you get rid of other things that were using up space, that’s when things start showing up.

Bottom line: nothing can show up until you’ve allowed the space for it to enter.

So if you want a partner in your life, you need to do everything you can to create the space for that partner – and the guidance messages leading you to them – to enter! 

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