Soul Renovation - School of Soul

Apr 13, 2024

It hit me the other night how I haven't been spending enough time with my cat. Since getting Quarry our Chow Chow, I've been spending a lot more time outside of the home with her. Winston, our Persian cat, had begun distancing himself from us. Winston had started spending a lot of his time sitting in the living room alone. Recently when I fractured my rib at Christmas, Winston came and sat next to me day and night. And isn't this always true, that when we are hurt, or our heart is breaking, our animals come to comfort us. Witnessing this made me feel overcome with emotion. I even had some tears, remembering how good Winston has always been to me and how I need to make sure I make equal quality time for all our animals. โ €
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Thanks to @meditatingwithanimals not only have I completely shifted the amount of time I spend with both our animals but also changed how we spend time together. Instead of scooping up the cat when I feel like spending time with him, I have instead started to sit near him and invite him to come to me. It only took a few weeks of this practice, and now every single night when I go to bed, Winston comes and sleeps with me again like he used to (Like when it was just him and I, before Matt and before Quarry, our dog).โ €
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I can't put into words how grateful I am to have reconnected with Winston. He has been my loyal companion for 14 years, and I never stopped to think how he felt every time we brought a new animal into our home. My favorite takeaway from Meditating With Animals was to spend equal time with my fluffy family members and to spend time with them how they want to spend time together.โ €
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This book is for the animal lovers of the world, and those who are seeking a new way to heal. Full review and link to the book on blog



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