Soul Renovation - School of Soul
Apr 15, 2024
Oh la la - Nothing like a well-organized system to get me all excited. How long does it take me to create a road map? Well, this one took 4 hours, it’s not easy getting those lines straight 🤣.
🎉 The good news, because I spent my time on preparing the system - I will save 10x the time working because now I don’t have to think, I simply have to go down the list in each category.
🎯 There are several ways to break a vision down into a road map:
1. Rows and Columns - As seen here
2. Timeline - Have an actual timeline with each of your steps.
3. A Checkoff System - Like I use to track my bus stop goal - I printed small bus stops and taped them to a roadmap - checking each one off as I go.
4. A Funnel - Funnels are excellent if you are tracking money or sales units. - As seen here on the far right. I will use this funnel to track sales units.
👉🏻 Check out my YouTube videos to see how I make my road maps. Link in Bio.