Soul Renovation - School of Soul

Apr 13, 2024

How to ground? Why ground? Our bodies are conductive because they are full of charged ions. This means that we are susceptible to all the energy around us. That means all the mobile phones, all the wifi, and all the devices plugged in all around us are effecting and affecting our bodies every day. Due to this many of us have too many positive ions built up in our bodies. The earth has a negative charge; this means when you stand barefoot on the earth the positive ions in your body are neutralized. Ok, ok enough science and fancy words. How to ground? Put your bare feet on the earth. How long does grounding take? Even 1 minute makes a difference; I try for five minutes a day. Where to ground? Exposed land such as grass or dirt. Can I ground in the water? YES. You'll get an extra bonus of magnesium and minerals from the ocean. What are the benefits of Grounding?
- Reduce Inflammation
- It is Anti-Ageing - prevents aging by reducing free radicals + acts as an antioxidant in the body
- Improves Sleep
- Reduces Stress
πŸ‘‰πŸ» If anyone tries Grounding TAG me #SoulReno 
Live in a concrete city with no land or water? Don't fret! You can get a grounding sheet or mat to sleep on or put under your feet on your computer. DM me for more info and company recommendations. #Earthing #ForestBathing #Meditation



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