Soul Renovation - School of Soul

"spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 15, 2024

OH, LA LA - Nailed it.
Earlier this summer I got lost down a rabbit hole on Pinterest of post-it art and BAM, my newest obsession began. See, I LOVE the things I LOVE and everything else I could leave. I’m the kinda girl that will eat the same thing for a month straight until I could never eat it again, or listen to the same song 100 times until then I am done with it. I have all or nothing - all in or all out ways of thinking - my world is carefully curated, and everything is VERY specific in it. And right now, I AM ALL ABOUT THE POST ITS!



We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


Why Play

The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


Digital Soul

In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.

