Soul Renovation - School Of Soul
Apr 06, 2024
The truth is, your soul and your physical body are two separate entities. That’s why the life you are living in the physical realm can sometimes fall out of alignment with your soul – and how it is meant to be living. ββββββββ
Everyone has a soul purpose. Your soul purpose is connected to your greatest sense of joy and feelings of accomplishment. You will never feel fully fulfilled until you achieve that purpose. It is basically what you came here to do. You’re meant to evolve. You’re meant to become. And you are meant to achieve something. ββββββββ
Divine design is your inherent plan. It lives inside of you and is uniquely connected to you. It’s the nature-given divine gifts that belong to you for you to begin to tap into your purpose. It strings your life’s experiences together and provides clues as to what you’re supposed to gain from each experience. ββββββββ
Once you tap into your divine design, you can begin to live the life you were meant to live. ββββββββ
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