Soul Renovation - Inspirational Quotes

Apr 09, 2024

Tribe, anytime you hear a negative thought, you can be sure it's a spirit, and you can be sure it's coming from the darkness. This is why the voices in your head- which I call sketchers need to be discerned immediately. Most people hear a voice, and they just go with it. They don try to determine who the voice belongs to or where the voice is coming from . so they let themselves be manipulated by these thoughts which run wild and distort the psyche. Instead of realizing. 'Oh, this isn't even me, this is a sprit and then dealing with the spirit accordingly. It is important to discern the thoughts in our heads as quickly as possible. This means that when we hear a negative thought. we must invoke the feminine factor, check in with our emotional body, & take note of how the voice makes us feel. Ask yourself: Do I feel lifted? Do I feel empowered? & Do I feel good ?And if we get a bunch of nos, then we know we're dealing with an underworld spirit, at which point you want to ask it point-blank,"And if you get a yes. that's when you know that it's time to transport it to the light.I want to remind you that you are an amazing and powerful being! You are from the light. I love you. Tribe !


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