Should i delete my facebook page

Apr 11, 2024


Should I delete my Facebook page?
Tips for Agents this week! Why did we delete our Facebook page? And why should you delete your Facebook page book is a dying platform Instagram and YouTube are dominating in the world of social media today. Most likely when a new client or prospective client is going to look you up. They're going to Google your real estate company or your real estate team doesn't know about you guys, but out of everything you're doing online is Facebook your strongest platform. Do you feel that if a client was to land on your Facebook page that would represent you or your team the best our Instagram and our YouTube or on fire and our Facebook? It's the odd news update has very little likes. It just doesn't have the same reach. So if I'm going to choose for a client to land on something I want them to land on my Instagram or my YouTube and how am I going to guarantee that's going to happen. I'm going to remove all the other options.
Not sure what comes up for you or your team. I would recommend you have a friend Google you or your team, ​not yourself because your internet cookies are going to know what you already searched. They're going to show you different things the ​power of social media is that you get to curate the content you get to choose. Others see you and how they perceive you don't like the order that things are coming up. I would recommend you start deleting some accounts this way. You can actually guide your audience to where you want them to land.


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