Releasing Soul Contracts

Jul 30, 2024

Let’s talk about spiritual relationships: soul contracts and karmic relationships. These soul contracts are made consciously and unconsciously (Yes, unfortunately, we are not aware of some of the contracts we have signed in life and thus we do not understand why our lives are happening the way they are).

See, when we make “vows” in life, when we speak words of affirmation, we are creating contracts. 

For example, we vow to always be loyal to a friend—we break that vow? 

We may think, Oh well, I'm not friends with them anymore and think we can just move on.

No, no, silly. 

The Universe will come to collect on the promises we break—say hello to KARMA! Karma is not a bitch, it is a mirror reflecting back to you what you have put out into the energetic world.

Ok, so you haven’t horrifically hurt someone else? Doesn’t matter. 

Every vow/agreement/contract of any magnitude will be called due. 

You say you’re going to call someone to go to dinner and never do? 

These small instances are referred to as leaks in spirituality. 

Each broken promise, each word spoken that is not fulfilled, has created a leak in your energy. 

These small leaks of broken integrity add up to exhaustion and lack of life and energy. 

How do we patch the leaks? 

We renounce and apologize. 

We put ourselves out there, make ourselves vulnerable, speak our truth, and offer forgiveness—forgiveness to the other party but, more importantly, forgiveness to ourselves. Thus, you heal the karmic hole. The reward? You take back all of your energy.

It’s time to expand on the concept of soul contracts. We know how we made a soul contract when we decided to come play the game, but what about other people? Do we have contracts with them? Oh man, do you. And it is scary. We are gonna go so deep into this but to put it in perspective, every single time you communicate with someone, you open an invitation to cord in (we will get into how everyone is cording into you in module 7). Now, you can’t possibly stay with everyone you are corded to through this life—you wouldn't be able to move, you would be so bound energetically. So let me break this down, and I know this is gonna blow your mind before you begin to fight this—tell your mind to zip the chatter now. This is how it works: everyone we are related to, meet, talk to, interact with, all of it has a purpose. Each and every connection has a purpose connected to your direction of staying on path or pulling you off. The timelines vary and how long they stay stagger—some stay a moment, others a chapter, some for a season, and some for almost a lifetime.

AND each relationship/connection has an EXPIRY DATE. This date is not what you think—this is actually the completion of the contract. For they have a purpose to you, and once the purpose is fulfilled, your souls will part. You have learnt what you were meant to learn from each other—the assignment is over. 

**Game trick—this is one place in the game not to have expectations. I said that expectation was an invitation and it is—except you can not control other people. Yes, you can expect from the Universe, but other players in the game have their own free will and for that reason it is a trap/an unknown secret. Expectation of others will backfire; it often does.

Ties back to leaving the herd, because when you do that, attacks come from within your previous energy circle and that is where it needs to be cleansed (people literally sorted out).
Have you ever heard that phrase, “You need to sort that person out?” Sometimes you REALLY need to SORT that person OUT [Oct 27].

Making amends to those that I can (LOL not everyone is going to want to hear your apologies). Had a fun week of acceptance and some harsh rejection LOL. Yup, doing spiritual work is not always easy! Writing a heartfelt letter and being left on read is exactly what you’re going to get from the unawake! 

Releasing People’s Names

In addition to releasing soul contracts, you need to disassociate from those that you are attaching from when you’re attaching from people or cutting cords. 

Disassociating from someone can be a difficult process, but it is often necessary for one’s emotional and mental well-being. One way to make this process easier is by not using the person’s name. This simple act can have a powerful impact on disassociating from them. By not saying their name, we deny them the power they once held over us, and we cut cords that bind us to them. Psychologically, not using their name can also help us detach emotionally from the person. Starting with letters or pronouns like “him” or “her” can ease the transition, and eventually, we may find that we are no longer speaking about them at all. In this article, we will explore the power of disassociating from people by not using their names, the psychological impact of cutting cords, and transitioning from using letters or pronouns to not speaking about them at all.

The power of disassociating from people by not using their names is a psychological tool that can be used to exert power and control over others. According to Bustan and Alakrash (2020), the use of names is an important aspect of human communication and identity, and not using someone’s name can be seen as a form of disrespect or disregard. By intentionally avoiding the use of someone’s name, an individual can create a sense of distance and detachment from that person, which can be used to manipulate or influence them. In a study conducted by Bustan and Alakrash (2020), it was found that participants who were not addressed by their names felt less important and valued in social interactions. This highlights the importance of using names in communication and how the lack of their use can have negative effects on social interactions. 

Cutting cords and not saying someone’s name can have a significant psychological impact. According to Nisbett and Wilson (1977), individuals tend to have a limited ability to introspect and understand the reasons for their own behavior. This means that people may cut cords and avoid saying someone’s name without fully understanding the underlying motives behind their actions. However, research has shown that avoiding reminders of a negative experience can actually be beneficial for mental health. One study found that participants who were instructed to avoid thinking about a negative event reported lower levels of distress than those who were asked to confront the event head-on (Kross et al., 2009). In the case of cutting cords and not saying someone’s name, this may be a way for individuals to protect themselves from further emotional pain and move on from a difficult situation. However, it is important to note that avoiding reminders of a negative experience should not be used as a permanent coping mechanism. It is crucial for individuals to eventually confront and process their emotions in order to fully heal and move forward.

Disassociating from people can be a difficult and emotionally taxing process, but adopting the practice of not using their names can make it easier to detach oneself from them. By refraining from mentioning their names, we avoid bringing life to them and allowing them to occupy space in our minds. This can provide a sense of closure and allow us to move on from the people we are cutting ties with. While it may take time to adjust to this habit, it can ultimately lead to a healthier and more positive mindset.

By acknowledging and addressing these spiritual commitments, we not only free ourselves from outdated bonds but also reclaim the energy and power they've held over us. This act of soulful liberation allows us to move forward with a clearer purpose, unburdened by the past and open to the new possibilities that await. It reminds us of the importance of living with intention, making conscious choices that reflect our true desires, and navigating our spiritual journey with mindfulness and grace.




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