Ormus - Now Alchamy
Apr 11, 2024
What is the true power of gold? Ormus is a powdered Gold.
We only use 10% of our brains, why? How do we access more? The ancients believed that Ormus was one of the ways. They believed that Ormus aided in the acquisition of knowledge and information. It was associated with Illumination and enlightenment.
Ancient civilizations believed It was the food of the light body. 'Just as we feed our physical bodies we must too feed our light or spiritual body.' ⭐️ Benefits ⭐️ It is said to relax DNA and allow healing of the body.
Increased Awareness
Intense Dreams
Increased Metabolic Rate
Boosts Neurotransmitter Production
Increase cell turn over
Hair/Nail Growth
Increased Creativity
Increased intuition
Opens Third Eye
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