Nothing Is A Problem, Everything Has A Solution

Apr 12, 2024


Nothing is a problem! I can figure anything out!
I couldn’t get a plumber to come that was willing to work on my system because of how old it is…. Problem….

Enter the solution - do it myself.

Luckily a friend of mine assisted me in what was a wild learning experience. This weekend I not only learned some pretty impressive plumbing skills but I also learned allllll about the septic field and tank.

Yup, probably a good idea to learn that.
Living in a detached home of this age has been a steep learning curve. One that used to have me in tears often.

I often had things go wrong that I didn’t even know I should be looking out for. I was in over my head the day I moved back here. But I had no choice, I wasn’t ready to let my dream of a home in the forest go.

It was only recently that I became dedicated to understanding how the home worked and how to properly maintain it.

Sounds like an obvious, but it wasn’t. Plus you have to remember when I first moved back here, there were ZERO dollars for improvement. The first winter I literally didn’t even have heat. That's how badly I wanted to hang onto this house when everything went wrong, I literally survived an entire winter without heat until I could afford to fix the furnace.

For anyone just checking into my channel now - this is a long story, but to make it short in 2017 I lost well almost everything. To say I hit rock bottom would be an understatement. I was lucky to survive and even luckier to get back to thriving.

I know these projects may seem insignificant but each and every single project means the world to me because I know how far I've come when. I literally thought I was going to make it and I was going to lose this house - now in 2021, finally I am in a potion to start fixing up the house to a new level and continue moving forward to my dream of one day having a new home here!

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