No Competition At The Top

Jul 30, 2024

The craziest thing we have been taught to believe is that it is hard to make it to the top and that it is hard to stay there. I'm sure you have heard both of these sayings.

Both are lies. Let's reframe this and explain why neither of these statements is true.

The truth is, it is easy to get to the top; it doesn't take intelligence or a great amount of resources - it simply takes proper planning, thinking strategically ahead of time, and taking one step after another until you are where you want to be. Making it to the top has little to do, a lot of times, with HOW good someone is. It is simply that they chose to go there and took the steps until they got there. They never stopped.

In my past career in real estate, i was and you would be very surprised when you meet some top producers, those people that are top 1% - And this is no knock on them or any critique;many of them were just like everybody else. 

How did they get that good? By never stopping. 

Many masters are no different than everyone left in the herd; they simply did the work - they did their part, and the success came as a result. 

By never stopping, they continue to gain experience and, over time, they master their craft and its tasks - however, many are not extraordinary in any way and anyone could take their place if they were willing to put in the hard work and dedication that these individuals did. The one common denominator between all top producers I know, like, and respect - they all earned their spot.

How can it be that there is no competition at the top? Let me explain how this works - I will give you an example using an influencer or how it works for myself as a content creator on the internet. I'm sure everyone out there that wants to start now and become a content creator at some point has the thought - it's too saturated. And yes, the entry level is. But none of the other levels are.


This is where it gets cool. Think of all the influencers you know with Instagram, ok. Basically, everyone, everyone thinks they are an influencer on Instagram. Next, think of how many of those influencers have Instagram and YouTube - bet the list just got pretty small… what, 1%? Maybe? Not even? Does 1 out of every 100 of the people on Insta you know have a YouTube channel? Probably not. Ok, in your head, think of all those people with Instagram and the YouTube channel… how many of them have a podcast? Maybe 1? Out of all of them. Ok, what about all the above and a course? Do you see how as we go up in levels in life - the competition thins out? This is true everywhere - all around us - the reason for this is - most people get trapped in the entry levels of life - they never push through - fearing that they will not make it on the other side - if only they knew the other side was less work - the higher you go in levels, the less work you actually do - it doesn't take very many levels until you are hiring other people to do your work for you - thus taking on more - then outsourcing that - as you climb and climb.

It is an illusion in life that it is difficult to make it to the top and it surely is not crowded once you get there. I promise you, more than 50% of the chairs are always empty! The higher you climb, the less you are competing against. And it does not work proportionately - in the beginning, you are with everyone and with a few hard years of work - you won't see anyone around you. It's wild. Wildly worth it to commit in the beginning, pedal as hard as you can uphill - so you ride the road home downhill for the rest of your life.




We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


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