New 2020 Vision Board l Soul Renovation

Apr 12, 2024


In today's video I show you my new 2020 vision board. We've talked about vision boards before. If you haven't seen my previous video's on vision boards, I have a whole playlist dedicated to vision boards, which can be found at the end of the video. A vision board is a concrete representation of your desires and aspirations for a compelling life. They are fun to create and can serve as an invaluable tool to motivate and inspire you towards concrete daily action in pursuit of your biggest and most important life goals.

When people say that you can’t do something, they really mean they couldn’t do something. Other people's chosen limitations are not your reality. Dig deep and connect to the fact that you are a creator, and you shall reap what you sow. You plant your seeds, you water them, you will them to grow. Want to have meaningful relationships, travel the world, run successful businesses, and keep your body and health on point? Then do it! You can do it all! Elevate yourself by understanding one life lesson - the words ‘ i am’ literally mean in Hebrew ‘ I create what I speak.’ Speak your world into existence. Speak what you seek until you see it appear in your physical world. β€οΈπŸŽ‰

Dream Boards Work. Period. πŸ’« When you realize you can have everything you ever wanted, you are going to wish you asked for more.

How to set up your board?

R - Relationships and Romance
E - Eating Healthy and Exercise
S - Spirituality and Self Expression
P - Purpose and Passion
E-Education and Experience
C - Career and Contribution
T - Travel, and Things

Have you made a RESPECT board? Tag me @Soul Renovation a photo to be featured.

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