MoodBeli - Adaptogens + Herbs

Apr 11, 2024


This video will give you some facts not many people know about Adaptogens...

Mushroom Adaptogen-
Calming Adaptogen-
Energy Tonic-

I wanted to jump on before work and make a really quick video.
I just got an awesome package from mood beli. last week after my post on Instagram, the brand reached out to me and asked if they could send over some of their new products! THEY ARE GORGEOUS! I love the packaging. I can't wait to try these out.
They sent me the mushroom adaptogen, calming adaptogen, and the energy tonic. adaptogens are one of my favourite things that I take. all mushrooms are adaptogens but not all adaptogens are mushrooms. There are other herbs that are adaptogens as well. mushroom adaptogens are really cool compared to other herbs or vitamins. what is so cool about adaptogens? Well, when you take a vitamin normally it'll do the same thing to you or I. if it raises blood pressure when you take it, it raises your blood pressure and when I take it raises my blood pressure. adaptogens are intelligent though. They go into the body and do different things for each person. they read our DNA, they read us,โ€‹ and then they say, oh Ashley need to raise her blood pressure but so-and-so needs their blood pressure to go down. This is just an example - none of these products regulates

Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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