Miracles Please! Vision Board Life - A Course In Miracles

Apr 12, 2024


Guys, I have been off my phone a lot and I'm really loving it. I spent the weekend writing and rollerblading and working on home projects. I was on the phone too much. All my jobs require me to be on my phone or on a screen and that can be hard. And lately my finger on my left hand has been going numb again, which really sucks. This hasn't happened in a few years. If you're a long time follower, remember that glove I used to wear on this hand? I may have to start doing that again. My fingers started acting up again. I have been researching obviously about what's going on and how to protect myself because I clearly can't stop my work and the use of the phone. So I need to find a better strategy and I actually came across these really great screensavers for you. This was called “save your pretty face.” Isn't that a cute name? And I got this from Detox Market. I basically read an article that said you should be wearing sunscreen while you look at your phone and I was like oh sh--. So then I found this and this helps protect against your skin damage and protects your eyes. It also helps the blue light obviously, and that helps protect your melatonin cycle and your sleep cycle. That's all it is. It's just a screensaver and the instructions are pretty easy. I'm definitely not going to be putting this on myself. I think that's a poor idea so I will wait for help.


Summary Description to use:

Join me for a day while I work on my vision board, remind myself about Course of Miracles and affirmations, and take some down time to work on my creative and home projects, while also taking time to enjoy nature!

Starting my morning with A Course in Miracles on Audible.

“The bible says that you should go with a brother twice as far as he asks. It certainly does not suggest that you set him back on his journey. Devotion to a brother cannot set you back either. It can lead only to mutual progress. The result of genuine devotion is inspiration, a word which properly understood is the opposite of fatigue. To be fatigued is to be dis-spirited but to be inspired is to be in the spirit. To be egocentric is to be dispirited. But to be self-centered in the right sense is to be inspired or in spirit. The truly inspired are enlightened and cannot abide in darkness.” -- from A Course in Miracles

I love listening to this book as I spend time with my Vision Board.
Then a quick Brain Tap Session before heading out for a hike.

I was up super super late the night before working so I know Mina thought I was going to bail, but I pulled through! I am working on my mantra of “Make your commitments stronger than your moods.”

Mina is and always has been my favourite adventure partner - our friendship has been built with the ocean and the forest from the very beginning and we love to be in nature together.

My deer is back.. we're getting closer and closer every time. It's been 3 years that we have known each other and they even allow me close to the babies but I have yet to pet them.

I just love them and they are my spirit animal. I put on my Vision Board ‘ Miracles Please!’ And then this happened the next morning.

In other news, Wonton and Winston have become extremely demanding these days. All this time at home and the codependency is growing lol. I'm just joking, they are my best friends but sometimes they gang up on me!

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