Let Me Introduce You To The Game Of Pass, Pass, Keep!
Apr 11, 2024Link to Episode 4 - Podcast by Soul Renovation
Let me introduce you to The Game of Pass, Pass, Keep!
It sounds savage, and it kind of is!
But it is VITAL to say no to experiences that you do not want.
NO to people whose energy does not match yours.
Say NO to ANYTHING that threatens your energy.
Keep your vibration in alignment with everything around you or in your life – people, places, experiences.
You will not align with everyone.
You will not meant align with everyone and everything.
And do not expect to! You will have a rude awakening in the game of life if you step onto the field with this outlook.
It is your part to recognize when you do,
And when you do not sign with people.
And then play the game of pass, pass, keep!
Have no shame in it either!
To maintain your alignment, you DO NOT need to accept everyone into your life.
And I’m not just talking about romantic relationships and experiences either.
Be selective in all of your relationships and experiences,
Every time you allow someone who is not a vibrational match into your life or an experience that is below your standards, it starts to pull you out of alignment.
THIS will cost you in the game of life -
The more you allow that to happen, the harder it is to find and attract those who ARE aligned.
And if you are looking for a partner,
and have a lot of people in your life who are out of alignment with what you desire,
People that are pulling your vibration down,
you’re going to have a harder time attracting an aligned match.
So do not lower your standards for ANYONE.
Keep your standards and vibe high in all areas of your life.
It will not only keep your entire life more fulfilling but in this case, it will also help you stay on path to finding the partner.
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