Law Of Attraction - Realistic Timelines

"spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 12, 2024


Hi โœจ My name is Ashley! I teach you how to hit your Health + Wealth ๐Ÿ’ต GOALS!
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All I asked for was a book wall….. I thought I could snap my fingers and it would be here. HA. How wrong I was. Don’t I know better by now?

See, The Universe wants to bring us everything we want AND it has to prepare us and there is always foundational work that needs to be done in order for the miracle to arrive (always in divine timing).

I’m currently right in the middle of working my way through a few hurdles that The Universe threw my way - No problem!

Well, that's not how it ended up working out. With anything in life, or any goal where there were hurdles and challenges along the way that I didn't anticipate or plan for, we just can't give up. We just have to keep persevering through or figuring things out as they come up. And that is relatable to everything in life. The more I think about it, I don't think that there is a degree of difficultness to obtaining goals. I think they're all kind of the same where they follow a formula almost. We ask for it. Obstacles come up. Then hurdles. We have to get over them and maybe another challenge. And then normally, right before you get your big reward, there's a big test to make sure you still want it.

I got this!

I’m getting that book wall and it is going to be perfect. Even if I have to cut my own plumbing pipes to make it happen.

I have a different section of my house dedicated to each project or each company I work on, and that way when I'm in that space that's all I'm doing. Dedicating different areas of my home to each of my projects has been my most efficient way to streamline my focus while at home. And it makes it very simple for me to starve distractions and to feed my focus while I am working.

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We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


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