Las Vegas Mass Shooting - Route 91 - Our Experience

Apr 11, 2024


To say this was hard to make is an understatement. It took me months to even be able to watch this footage. But in all honesty, this was the best weekend of my life until the shooting began and I am choosing to remember the good and not the bad. All I take from the Las Vegas is that we are the lucky ones. We were blessed with more time in life. More time with our families, more time to accomplish our goals, and more time to leave our mark on the world. I thank God every day for the blessing we received and there is not a day that goes by that I do not take a moment to think about the people who were not as lucky as us. Life is short, make sure you live every day like it is your last. Live your best life every single day. Skip ahead to 7:31 for my experience of the shooting. Much LOVE - Ashley XOXO



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