Hustle Culture Reframed
Apr 12, 2024
Hi āØ My name is Ashley AKA Soul Renovation!
I teach you how to hit your Health + Wealth šµ GOALS! I make videos about how to get what you want in life. And how to stay on the path!
In this video, I talk to you about how sometimes my hustle bothers people and I wanted to kind of reframe why I work in the way that I work so that you could understand why this is probably the best strategy.
You know how I feel about YOLO. YOLO has two or three chapters on how it's the death of our generation in my course…
I am truly bothered by everyone's resistance to hard work in life. Hard work is truly the secret to having everything you want. I know that is a very dangerous concept to float around.
It's not that I'm killing myself grinding or hustling. It’s that I am so freaking excited for the next level that I want to get there now. I also know in the game, the sooner you pass the levels, the sooner you're able to level up in experiences and knowledge. The faster you acquire resources. Then everything you do in the game becomes easier.
So if you think I'm grinding and hustling now, everything is easier to do now. Everything. The younger you are, the healthier you are. Time is your advantage. In life, the sooner we do these things, these tasks are that much easier on the body, on the mind, our energy levels. As we age, things will become more difficult. You want to grind now or do you want to grind in your sixties? I do not want to be getting up in my sixties and trading my time for money any longer. Period. I will not accept that.
Vain and vine is a great example. I grinded so hard for one year. It only took one year to put that all together. Now, if I want to create another product line? No problem. Dial up the people that work on the teams. Now, if I hadn't traded all that time, I could have made this take six or seven years to learn how to release one product. Some people take years before they get products to the market. I just threw it out there and I started. And then I worked my ass off to learn how to do it. And then the downhill is an easy ride. So now anytime I want to do anything in a product space, it's easy. I've already acquired all that knowledge. I can just execute. That's it. All I've got to do is create the next one after this, and then the next one, and then the next one, and I'm done.
Tell me again, why hustle culture isn't great?
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Soul Renovation
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