How to Teach Yourself to be Reliable l Soul Renovation

Apr 12, 2024


People inherently value reliability. In fact, every day we value reliability in the little things such as our morning coffee, our car working, cellphones stay connected and much more.

When these things are reliable, they yield winning relationships and results. A business that delivers reliable results is a sum of reliable individuals. So, business reliability starts with each person. Since reliability is so important to daily success, the most important question to ask is "How reliable am I?"

We want to collect reliable people in our lives. We do not want to deal with those who aren't. Reliable people get and keep friends more easily, forge deeper relationships, receive the best opportunities, are granted more autonomy at work, have more self-confidence, live with integrity, and carry a clear conscience.

It is most important to be reliable to yourself and your goals. If you cannot commit to yourself and your goals that can hurt your psyche and over all self-esteem. Spending time with your vision board is a big part of being committed to your goals. On top of that you need to take proper action to complete these goals and that’s where reliability comes in. One recommendation is to create S.M.A.R. T goals, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Ask yourself if a commitment is a high priority for you. If it is a low priority for you today, what will really change to move it up to a high? Focus on timelines (when action takes place) versus deadlines (the due date for that goal to be achieved). Think about a commitment.
I also like to use muscle testing; muscle testing is my version of Marie kondo’s “does this spark joy.” If you find that you are on the path of most resistance reassess your goals or reassess your plan of action. It is most important that you are reliable to yourself and your goals! Reluctant or forced commitments are always a lose-lose in the long-term.

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