How To Purge Your Closet - Cleanse Your Energy

Apr 11, 2024


How to purge your closet
Links -
Life-hack -What to do with all your Boots
I started to feel extremely guilty about all the designer boots I had just shoved in the bottom of my closet. Although I tried to keep them kind of flats and their boxes they were getting really wrinkled.
I'm cultivating the habit of taking care of the things I work so hard for - to show more respect to the universe and be grateful that I am lucky enough to have these the things that I do. If taken care of properly, these boots should last for many many years.
Avoid laying them down or squishing them between other items which will create wrinkles in the leather. If you actually prop them up like the video shows, they're going to keep their proper shape for years to come.
My plan for the new year was to own less and take better care of it all.

I'm giving away and donating as many items that I can, keeping just a select few of everything. I’m doing this for a few reasons. I've accumulated a lot of stuff, excess amounts of stuff in the last year's. I didn't realize the extent of it until my partner moved out and I realized that everything in the entire home was mine -the home is full. The first main reason I did this is that I want outer order for inner peace - the cleaner we keep our home, the more organized our mind will be. The second reason is I want to dial in my fashion goals. I never used to care that much.
I always have the things that are in style but I never really took the time to put them together - do my makeup and that's changed. I really enjoy doing things for myself and looking good these days.
I'm going to sit down I'm going to decide how I want the world to see​ me when I dress. we get the chance every day to express ourselves by how we look and we all know that first impressions are actually everything. decide how you want to show up, think about who you are and who you want to be and how you want to be perceived and then go through your closet one by one remove things that a don't bring you joy, things that have any negative memories attached to them, and then everything that doesn't fit within your new framework either donates it or give it away.

Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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