How To Make A Vision Board and reconstruct it l Soul Renovation

Apr 11, 2024


In today's video I show my vision board and how I reconstruct it after goals have been accomplished. It's vital that you reconstruct your board to align with your current goals. It's a good time to change your vision board if you've accomplished your goals or your goals have changed. Your vision board should aways align with what you want in life and how you feel. If these things change it's best to alter your board to align with yourself.

I designed my life, crafted my board, but I had no idea that it was going to be the blueprint of my life. Chapter by chapter, and step by step, my life unfolds according to the board. At first, a lot of the people I knew would give me eye rolls and confused faces when I spoke about my board. As I began to accomplish all of my dreams, and everything was coming true, the phone started ringing. Everyone wanted to know how I did it? As if I had some secret. I would explain that we have it backward​. Most people say ” I will believe it when I see it,” but that’s not how the universe works.

You have to believe it to see it!

You create your reality. It is with the words you speak and thoughts you choose that your reality is formed. You will, in fact, get exactly what you think about in life.

“The Words You Speak Become The House You Live In.

It is amazing what the Universe will do for us when we simply ask. Asking is an art. It should be practiced and not feared.

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