How To Do A Salt Flush

Apr 11, 2024


Salt Flush
Okay, so it seems that the salt flush has been a total hit on my channel so I am going to go ahead and make it right now. I just take a large mason jar, add two full tablespoons of Himalayan salt and it's really important to note that it's got to be Himalayan salt or it's got to be sea salt it cannot be table salt or any iodine's iodized salt. Okay, next. You're just going to pour hot water into the jar. We want to dissolve the salt with the warm water then we'll add cold water to the rest.
Give your Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar a good shake and then pour in about 2 tablespoons where I don't measure it. This is my favorite brand for Apple Cider Vinegar because it is in a glass container, not a plastic container.
Lastly, add a little lemon. The only reason for the Braggs and lemon is to cut the taste because it obviously tastes absolutely disgusting. I mean, it's pure salt.
Just a friendly reminder guys, I’m not a doctor and nor do I have any training. I learned this on YouTube.
So do your research look up dr. Axe for more information on Salt Flushes.

He's amazing! Word to the wise does​ not drink this before you have to go somewhere and try to do it on an empty stomach. You’re going to need to be near a bathroom, ;)

Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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