How I jumpstart a restart in my life l Soul Renovation

Apr 12, 2024


It’s been a hot minute since I have been on Youtube - life got extremely crazy as it does.

For me staying on track is everything because when I fall off, I fall off hard. And that is precisely what happened. I began to become overwhelmed and overworked - I started slacking on my routines and making more and more excuses.

Slipping on my standards and ultimately affecting my entire game.

It took the car accident for me to get the good shake from The Universe I needed.
Not to fall off track now, not after everything. After all of the hard work setting everything up.
Finally, all the seeds I planted are fruiting, and it is more important than ever to ground in and do the work. I must take my projects through the finish line.

My focus has changed - My main goals have become creating my Soul Renovation signature course and launching Vain & Vine Phase 2.

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