Hiring A Second Assistant

Apr 12, 2024


What's your favourite eight-letter word? Mine is leverage! Since hiring Baby Boss, I have had the opportunity to grow my work enormously. Kara is an asset not only to our company, but to my daily life. So, you can imagine how hard it hit me when I realized I'd have to share her with her university schedule this Fall. I realized how important getting coverage for her had become, and after having stumbled upon this incredible young woman at a tanning salon, it did seem like finding her trainee was more likely to happen to me than if I went out searching for it.
I met Annie at Indigo Park Royal, and wouldn't you know it, we clicked right away. Within a couple days we planned to meet, and I hired her on the spot.
Running The Arm Group Real Estate has taught me so many valuable lessons. But one I love to share, is the importance of admin to secure a steady work environment for agents. Through trial and error, I can now confidently say that having a small group of highly-motivated and like-minded individuals is something I'll choose of numbers in people every time.
I'm so proud of how far the team has come and I can't wait to learn more along the way! Where have you seen growth in your life this year?

Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


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