Hawk Walk - Ashford Castle

Apr 11, 2024


Hawk Walk - Ashford Castle - Ireland
Hawk Walk! Today was our Hawk Walk. You may think I am joking but I actually went on a walk with a hawk. I like saying this just because it rhymes! The things that entertain me sometimes. My Hawks name was Inca and she was super cool! From Peru, she was a Harris Hawk. She was not restrained or attached in any manner to me. So don’t feel bad for Inca! She chose to come alone… granted she knows she is getting fed if she plays by the rules. Ashford Castle keeps around 30 Harris Hawks that are rescued and or born to do the Hawk Walks. Their living conditions are so great that their hawks live an average of 15 years longer than Harris Hawks in the wild. Inca was extremely smart and knew how to do all the actions. I wore a special glove, and if I raised my hand up she would come to me and land. If I laid my hand by my waste she would fly away. Her trainer would chuck pieces of raw chicken or rats or mice up into the air and this is how the Hawks knew they were being called back. We only had one close call with the Hawk, and that was when the chicken hit me right dead set in the middle of my eyes, thankfully the Hawk didn’t come for it! #AlwaysLucky This was an extraordinary experience and I really enjoyed getting to know Inca and spending time with her. Hawks are gorgeous creatures.


Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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